"KINSUGI" literary means gold (金 KIN) stitching (つぎ TSUGI) in Japanese.
It is a Japanese art form of mending broken porcelain with lacquer (URUSHI), dusted with gold, or silver.
This mending method of broken pottery with lacquer has been traced way back to the prehistoric time in ancient prehistoric earthenware, JYOMON pottery. However, it is around the 16th century, when KINTSUGI became known as an art form as the philosophy of Tea Ceremony, Wabi Sabi was spread. One of the 4 principles of the tea ceremony is "Respect". Respecting and cherishing what we use, what we encounter. Wabi Sabi is feeling the beauty in what it is, in the present moment.
The broken object gets revived with gold patches.
The broken part is truly accepted and cherished as a history of the object, a form of art, rather than getting disguised with immaculate repairing. With Kintsugi, the broken object gets transformed into a unique piece of art. It becomes more beautiful and more attractive than ever. It is only one in the world, one in history.
Japanese KINTSUGI is not only just mending our broken objects with gold, but it has more profound meaning and teaching to our attitude towards life.
If you find your broken cups or anything, you can try this KINTSUGI. While doing KINTSUGI, you can use this as an opportunity to heal yourself too.
The Art of Healing - Overcome past trauma
With Kintsugi mindset, when things are broken, we don't analyse how it broke. We see something is broken without any judgment. We accept things as it is. We see a shining opportunity to re-create this object, with gold. The history of broken will shine as if celebrating that it is still existing even more beautifully.
The art of Kintsugi is healing. Healing our mind and our heart from the event and transforming to something greater.
The broken part will never be diminished nor disguised, it remains as a scar but as a beautiful unique design that exists only one in the world.
When we can embrace all as it is without any judgment, with our heart in peace, that is the healing. We heal our inner self and outer world will be healed too.
We tend to hide our flaws, wounds, broken parts, as we are programmed to define with the negativity. But once we courageously accept the fact and embrace as they are, without adding any judgment and criticism, like lighting them up with gold, our old pain will become a shining unique form of art, which we will start cherishing. Our pain turns into love and we will become more compassionate to others too.
It is a process of personal transformation. It is a technique to overcome personal trauma.
We often push our emotional pains away, or pretend the pain is not there and we go on living. But years later, these pains emerge to surface unexpectedly in a different form perhaps. It is also known as Inner Child work. it is like finding a broken cup in pieces hidden in the back of the cupboard for many years. If you see it, it is time to deal with it. As you examine the broken pieces, see that the pain is there like a broken cup. Gently embrace this emotion, like attaching the broken piece to the main body, bring this painful fragment part of yourself towards you, and unite with it. Imagine gluing them together and dusted with beautiful gold. You are now united with the gold patches. You see you had this event in the past, but you are united with it, it is part of you. Make you more unique, Make you more beautiful.
If you find your broken cups or anything, you can try this KINTSUGI. While doing KINTSUGI, you can use this as an opportunity to heal yourself too.
Thank you for reading! Time for tea.