Title : KEI - The Art of Respect
Artist : Azumi Uchitani
Medium : Sumi & acrylic ink on paper, mounted on vintage silk embroidered Obi
Size : 29.5cm x 40cm
Price : SOLD
Available for sale. Exhibited at Nomadworks 1216 Broadway, New York, US, (11 Sep- 4 Dec 2021)
Contact : office@azumiuchitani.com
the art of respect
I just look around.
People, Objects, Trees, Flower…
We are all standing here, on this earth.
We look different,
But in all of us, all of the things,
There is this essence, the divine energy…
I meet this divine energy
in everything that I encounter in my world.
I thank you for being here.
I respect you for being here.
I respect what I encounter and
I will treat you gently.
- Azumi Uchitani